Monday, 1 May 2017

The Revolution Of Bicycle

The invention of a bicycle dates back to 1817 Baron von Drais, in Germany and from that time till today, after two centuries we can say with a lot more certainty that bicycle has revolutionised the ways of communication and is continuously doing so in many ways even today.
Previously when only heavy metals or steel were the weight of a bike used to be very high but over the years now we use the alloy bikes, that is bikes made up of different kinds of alloy and thus in turn have reduced the weights of the Bikes considerably. The alloys of aluminium are particularly note worthy since they are used more often than the other alloys because of their extreme light weight. Thus an Alloy bike is the go to bike for the ladies in the form of the Alloy ladies bike, which is becoming popular day by day.

The way or manner in which the bikes have gained importance in the minds of the common people is really astounding. Bicycle races such as the Tour de France have become one of the world’s prime attractions of sports and it can be proudly said that the common people also have high regards for the biker. It is hard to believe that in today’s world where  everyone is always on the go and they have not got single moment to waste or even slow down, people are giving the due importance to a two wheeler and if not even more. The extensive use of the Alloy bike or the Alloy ladies bike is a testimony to the above stated fact. 

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